If you're like me and enjoy goth, punk, or alternative clothing, you might notice a consistent pattern in its imagery and marketing. Or, it's possible that you've never even given it a thought because you're so enamored by "how cool" the styles are. (I can relate)
Just this past year, I had to throw out half my wardrobe because I felt so ashamed that I had essentially become a walking billboard for death without even realizing it. A lot of the stuff I wore had patterns and slogans printed on it that depicted drugs, demons, violence, etc. and it got me thinking:
"Why are these symbols synonymous with that style of clothing?"
Come to think of it, this realization probably explains why first-time viewers of my channel assume I'm crazy just based on my haircut, nose ring, or stage name.
I don't believe alternative clothing should be dominated by degeneracy or the occult, nor do I think followers of Christ should force themselves to adapt styles that are more palatable to other believers.
With that in mind, I pitched an idea to the guys at No_System who hosted my previous merch line. I told them that I wanted to create a series of designs that represented different passages in The Bible, hoping to bring new life, to a style that's dominated by death. And as someone who recently became a believer this past year, these designs meant more to me than just a t-shirt.
Even if you don't consider yourself religious, I hope you'll still give some thought to the passages I selected and consider why darkness and the occult are so glamorized, in a society that constantly accuses followers of Jesus for pushing their beliefs onto others.
Psalm 96:5 - "For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols, but the Lord made the heavens."
Philippians 4:7 - "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Every day our lives are inundated with junk, and we often accept it wholesale by scrolling endlessly on social media or watching the news in hopes we'll hear something bad. Stop that! Cling to what's good and reject the trash.